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Noble Predictive Insights
Dec 4, 20245 min read
Why They Did It: Trump and Harris Voters in Arizona Explain their Votes
Unofficial results are in, but what vote count doesn’t tell us is why AZ voters voted the way they did - this poll answers that question.

Noble Predictive Insights
Nov 12, 20244 min read
NPI Arizona Poll of Record Proves Accurate in Senate Race and Abortion Measure
NPI's poll of record has correctly predicted the close outcomes in Arizona’s critical races, cementing NPI’s reputation as a top pollster.

Noble Predictive Insights
Nov 12, 20244 min read
NPI’s Utah Poll of Record Most Accurate Poll for Senate and Presidential Races
NPI's Utah poll of record has correctly predicted the outcome of the President, Senate, and Gubernatorial races.

Noble Predictive Insights
Nov 11, 20244 min read
NPI Nevada Poll of Record Shows Uncanny Accuracy on Senate and Abortion Measure
NPI's Nevada poll of record correctly predicted the outcome of the U.S. Senate race and the abortion ballot measure with incredible accuracy

Noble Predictive Insights
Nov 1, 20244 min read
NEVADA POLL OF RECORD: Harris +1, Rosen +2
NPI's Nevada general election poll of record shows razor-thin margins favoring Democrats in the presidential and Senate races.

Noble Predictive Insights
Oct 31, 20245 min read
AZ POLL OF RECORD: Trump +1, Gallego +4
NPI's poll of record on Arizona’s general election reveals extremely tight Presidential and U.S. Senate races.

Noble Predictive Insights
Oct 30, 20245 min read
UTAH POLL OF RECORD: Republicans Lead by Double Digits Up and Down the Ballot
NPI's poll of record on Utah’s general election: GOP candidates positioned to claim victory in the Presidential, US Senate, & Governor races

Noble Predictive Insights
Oct 16, 20246 min read
Utah Gov. Cox in Command Despite Write-in Challenge
Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and Rep. John Curtis are both leading by 2:1 margins in their respective Gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races.

Noble Predictive Insights
Sep 25, 20245 min read
Rosen Holds Commanding Lead, But Brown Has Potential for a Comeback
Incumbent Sen. Jacky Rosen holds a commanding lead over GOP challenger Sam Brown, solidifying her position as the front-runner in this race.

Noble Predictive Insights
Sep 3, 20245 min read
Balancing on the Razor's Edge: Maricopa County’s Political Tightrope
Poll: Extremely tight races in Maricopa County across multiple offices and continued support for the renewal of Proposition 479.

Noble Predictive Insights
Aug 28, 20245 min read
Gallego Leads Lake in U.S. Senate Race
NPI's latest AZPOP finds Ruben Gallego with significant advantages on several key issues, positioning him well in the race against Kari Lake

Noble Predictive Insights
Jul 26, 20244 min read
AZ POLL OF RECORD: Lake Outpaces Lamb in GOP Senate Primary
NPI's poll of record on Arizona’s GOP Senate primary finds that Kari Lake holds a significant lead over Mark Lamb.

Noble Predictive Insights
Jun 26, 20244 min read
Utah Poll of Record: Spot-On Predictions Solidify NPI as Utah’s Top Pollster
NPI's Utah poll of record has correctly predicted the outcome of Utah’s GOP Senate and gubernatorial primaries.

Noble Predictive Insights
Jun 24, 20244 min read
UTAH POLL OF RECORD: The C’s Have It – Curtis and Cox Clear Frontrunners in Utah GOP Senate Primary
Noble Predictive Insights’ (NPI) poll of record on Utah’s GOP Primaries should be encouraging signs for Spencer Cox and John Curtis.

Noble Predictive Insights
Jun 12, 20244 min read
NPI Nevada Poll of Record Proves Accurate, Cements NPI as Nevada's Top Pollster
As unofficial results are finalized, NPI's poll of record has correctly predicted the outcome of Nevada’s GOP Senate primary.

Noble Predictive Insights
May 22, 20244 min read
Lake Still Leading GOP Senate Primary, But Losing Ground
Kari Lake still leads in the GOP Senate primary, but her lead has narrowed, and she faces challenges against Ruben Gallego in a head-to-head

Noble Predictive Insights
Apr 25, 20244 min read
Utah GOP Senate Primary Undecided Voters are the Decisive Plurality-Makers
Utah's GOP Senate Primary has significant potential for change —endorsements and the influence of undecided voters will be the catalysts.

Noble Predictive Insights
Mar 18, 20244 min read
Rosen Leads Republicans – But There Are Deep Signs of Uncertainty
Incumbent Sen. Rosen is in a decent position early in the race, leading GOP candidate Sam Brown by 6 points and Jim Marchant by 9 points.

Noble Predictive Insights
Feb 21, 20244 min read
Arizona’s Electorate Allergic to MAGA Brand in 2024 US Senate Race
Recent AZPOP data finds that AZ’s electorate is steering away from the MAGA brand when deciding who to vote for in the 2024 U.S. Senate race

Noble Predictive Insights
Sep 14, 20233 min read
Romney Retiring, NPI has a Keen Pulse on 2024 Utah GOP Senate Primary
With news of Romney's retirement, NPI has the current pulse on Utah's 2024 GOP Senate Primary with Romney our of the running
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