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Here’s What Holiday Shopping Plans Look Like in the Southwest US

Writer's picture: Noble Predictive InsightsNoble Predictive Insights

Updated: Jun 25, 2024

While OHPI does national-scale work and regularly partners with clients across the US, we keep a careful pulse on Arizona – our home state – Nevada, and Utah with consistent statewide Public Opinion Pulse (POP) surveys. Heading into what will be one of the most intriguing holiday seasons in the business world, we asked state residents about what their anticipated holiday spend might look like in 2021. We’ve compiled our data from Arizona, Nevada, and Utah to craft high-level insights of holiday shoppers in each of the three states individually as well as together for a better look at holiday shopping plans in the Southwest US.

Broken down by state, below is a summary of what holiday shopping plans look like in 3 key Southwest US states: Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.

  • 78% of Arizonans plan to purchase holiday gifts for families and friends in 2021.

    • Among this 78%, a majority plan to do all (10%), most (40%), or some (32%) of their holiday shopping online.

  • Key demographic groups who prefer to do all or most of their holiday shopping online:

    • Respondents ages 35-44 years old (60%)

    • HHI $100k+ (60%)

    • Parents of minor children (59%)

  • On average, Arizonans plan to spend between $400 (weighted median) and $655 (weighted mean) on holiday shopping.

    • A plurality of respondents (39%) plan to spend between $250 - $549

  • The survey also found that women in Arizona are likely to spend more than men on shopping this holiday season – a $500 median among women compared to $325 among men.

  • Parents are likely to spend more than non-parents, though parents of minor children plan to spend the same amount as parents of adult children ($500 median).

  • 75% of Nevadans plan to purchase holiday gifts for families and friends in 2021.

    • Among this 75%, a majority plan to do all (16%), most (39%), or some (32%) of their holiday shopping online.

  • Key demographic groups who prefer to do all or most of their holiday shopping online:

    • Nevadans with a bachelor’s degree (63%)

    • Hispanic/Latinos (59%)

    • Non-parents (59%)

  • After removing statistical outliers, half of Nevadans plan to spend $300 or more on gifts, while the other half plan to spend less.

    • 26% of Nevada adults plan to spend more than $550 on holiday shopping, whereas 28% of respondents anticipate spending between $250-$549 this holiday season.

  • The survey also found that 88% of parents with minor children plan to purchase holiday gifts and only 2% of them said they will not.

  • 82% of Utahns plan to purchase holiday gifts for families and friends in 2021.

    • Among this 82%, a majority plan to do all (7%), most (48%), or some (33%) of their shopping online.

  • Key demographic groups who prefer to do all or most of their holiday shopping online:

    • Utahns aged 35-44 (63%)

    • Non-parents (63%)

    • HHI $100k+ (61%)

  • After removing statistical outliers, Utahns plan to spend between $300 (weighted median) and $687 (weighted mean).

  • Parents with adult children (86%) and parents with minor children (83%) are more likely to purchase holiday gifts in 2021 than non-parents (78%).

Southwest US:

Now that we have a better understanding of holiday shoppers in Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, let’s pull out some key insights for a high-level summary of holiday shopping plans in the Southwest US.

Holiday Shopping Intention:

Utahns have the highest intention to purchase holiday gifts for friends and families with 82% saying they have plans to do so, whereas 78% of Arizonans and 75% of Nevadans say the same.

Parents with minor children are the most likely to purchase holiday gifts this year, with 87% net willingness in both Nevada and Arizona, and 78% in Utah.

Online Shopping Intention:

In all three states, more than half of respondents said they plan to do all or most of their holiday shopping online this year. Arizona was the least likely to do so (50%) compared to Utah and Nevada (55% each).

Anticipated Holiday Spend:

After excluding the outliers, the weighted mean of anticipated holiday spend is $541.71 in Nevada, $654.72 in Arizona, and $686.59 in Utah. The weighed median is $300 in both Nevada and Utah, and $400 in Arizona.

For an additional layer of perspective as well as a fair reference point, we also included a brief look at holiday shopping plans in the United States via secondary research.

According to polling from the National Retail Federation, American consumers plan to spend close to an average of $1,000 on total holiday spending in 2021. This sum includes an average of $648 planned spend on gifts – the specific category of holiday shopping that OHPI asked in our Public Opinion Pulses.

In addition to measuring anticipated holiday spend, the National Retail Federation also gauged where consumers planned to do their holiday shopping. Their polling finds more than half (57%) of Americans plan to make holiday purchases online in 2021. It is important to note a key difference in the questions asked between NRF’s survey and OHPI’s: NRF asks respondents where they plan to make their holiday purchases, allowing them to select all that apply to the options seen in the chart above. OHPI, however, asks respondents how much of their holiday shopping will take place online, allowing them to select only one of the following options: all, most, some, a little, or none.

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